Servane Mouazan - Conscious Innovation Logo

Time to Think Foundation Course


Are you a team leader, facilitator, or chair ?

Join the Time To Think Foundation course on 17th and 18th October, 2024 to strengthen your team's generative attention... and gain time along the way

You will transform your group’s interactions, fostering collaboration, deeper listening, and better decision-making.

You’ll embrace different perspectives in a way that helps the team reduce conflict & misunderstanding, and creates clarity, bond and innovation.

Certified Time To Think Coach, Facilitator and Teacher
Time to Think foundation Course May 2024 - Booking QR Code

Moving and Growing as a Team

  • Do you operate remotely and feel you could do with more cohesion and sense of belonging?
  • Is the team distracted by the "experts", or overpowering individuals?
  • Are you looking for ways to improve decision-making processes?
  • Do you feel your board is sometimes overreacting to market/system noise?
  • Is your board/team missing the big picture due to tunnel vision?

Everything we do depends on
the quality of our thinking

Findings show that some specific applications help us facilitate and enhance the quality of thinking within our teams and committees.

These are applications that encourage independent thinking, welcome diverse perspectives and deepen the quality of your thinking process.

Developed by Nancy Kline and Faculty, the Time To Think Foundation Course teaches you to generate an environment where people can think clearly, independently, and innovatively, without interruption, in a group setting.

The acts of thinking and listening improve when we embody the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment ®.

The approach is supported by a growing neuropsychological body of evidence that demonstrates how and why the quality of a group's attention impacts the quality of each individual's thinking, feeling, decisions and actions.

How you will benefit

The Time to Think Foundation approach is used for generative group meetings.

You will experience:

  • The ability to solve questions with more clarity and less confrontation
  • A simple way to deal with conflicts and challenging topics
  • Built trust and true team engagement
  • Team members who are more united and integrated
  • Easier ways to set goals
  • Ease to generate powerful ideas for what you are really seeking to achieve
  • Better outcomes after team supervision meetings, group mentoring and management discussions.
  • Reduced stress and conflict
  • Increased empathy

Who is it for?

This Time to Think Foundation course is for

- Team leaders, managers, and c-suite leaders
- Remote or local board members, chairs, network conveners and organisers
- Systems change practitioners, foresight practitioners, impact facilitators
- People interested in developing their team through generative conversations and who want to nurture powerful thinking environments.
- People who want to complete the 1st step towards the Time To Think Facilitator qualification

Course Features

Places are limited to 8 participants maximum.

The course includes:

- 2 days, online, on 17 and 18 October 2024  (9:30 am to 4 pm UK with plenty of breaks)
- 1-2-1 Personal Thinking Partnership® session for each participant
- Course documents and reading resources
- Community of practice
- Route to Time to Think qualifying courses for coaches and facilitators
- Access to a network of Time To Think coaches and facilitators
Note: This course is a prerequisite for the Time to Think Facilitation Course and Qualification

What you will do

Over two days, you will learn about the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment. They are components that enable independent thinking and help improve your group interactions.

You will explore 8 practical applications that turn organisations into a Thinking Environment. They include, among others, Thinking Pairs, Dialogue, Rounds, Open Discussion, The Time to Think Council, Presenting, and Facilitation in a Thinking Environment.

These applications contribute to transform teams, groups and organisations into environments that prioritise thoughtful and open considerations, and innovation.

Your Investment

The cost for the two days + all features is £ 776.- (no vat charged)
1- You can book below or,
2- Request an invoice and pay by bank transfer.
3- You can also pay in instalments
4- You can also sponsor another participant;

Please email me for options 2,3, or 4.

*Not included, recommended reading: "The Promise That Changes Everything. I Will Not Interrupt", By Nancy Kline.
Penguin Books Ltd - Published 29 October 2020 - EAN/UPC 9780241423516

Time to Think Foundation Course May 2024  - Booking QR code

What People Say

Previous participants (chairs, board and investment committee members) said that through enhanced facilitation skills, they were able to lead more serene and engaging meetings and generate significant breakthroughs.


They noticed an improvement in the quality of their relationships because of deep listening, increasing collaboration and effectiveness.

They were able to transform their organisation into a respectful and generative Thinking Environment.


They accelerated time.


"Servane Mouazan is an outstanding facilitator on this course. Participating in this has truly helped shape the way I create spaces and environments for people to THINK!"
~Alex Fleming, Systems Change Practitioner -  Senior Designer, Policy Lab UK

"What a fantastic course! Both in terms of content plus your mantra of ‘how one works together matters’ – amazing to see how much fertile ground that produces for brainstorming together."
~Amita Gulati - Private Investor and Strategic Adviser.

Hi, I'm Servane!

Helping leaders think independently, and align their imagination and collective intelligence to transform people's lives, is my passion.

I am a Conscious Innovation catalyst and entrepreneur, previously founder and CEO of Ogunte CIC, an organisation which set out to amplify the women-led social entrepreneurship ecosystem.

In the past 23 years, I have supported  12,000+ leaders in the social economy globally, - from CEOs, and entrepreneurs to investors around the world - with leadership development programmes, impact movements,  growth accelerators, and leadership development for women in social finance.

On this journey, you will benefit from my global enterpreneurial background and my experience as a certified Executive Neuroleadership Coach (ICF PCC), Conflict Management coach (Cynergy), my practice as a qualified Thinking Environment consultant (coach, facilitator and teacher), member of the Time To Think Collegiate, a certified Mentor Coach, a member of the International Coaching Federation abiding by its code of ethics.

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