A Suprising Fresh Take on Equality in Meetings…

Now, here’s a fresh take on “equality” in meetings that might surprise you…

We’ve all been there. Those gatherings where a few loud voices dominate while others fade into the background’s oblivion.
It’s like a broken record, but we keep playing it.

And it might feel counterintuitive but solving this is *not just* about giving everyone equal talking time.

That’s a good start, but it’s only scratching the surface.

Have you ever been physically present in a meeting, but your mind was off… somewhere else…?

That mental absence is a sneaky form of power imbalance.
When we’re not fully there, we can’t represent ourselves properly.
And when others do the same, well, it’s a recipe for a poor meeting soup.

So, what if we looked at equality differently? What if it meant everyone having an equal shot at giving their full attention?

Sounds simple, but it’s pretty revolutionary when you think about it.

To make this happen, we can create an environment where everyone can:

  • “Arrive and land” (pffffff). The group synchs by taking 1 min to do so.. And… no, you don’t have to “close your eyes”.
  • Feel at ease and not rushed: just ask what people want to share that in sharing it, would make them feel more at ease.
  • Have the freedom to pause and think (w.i.t.h.o.u.t interruption).
  • Be present in the moment (observe not just what is said, but how it is said)
  • Respect and honour the shared time

Equality is both a resource and a response

It’s the sum of all these behaviours that meet our needs and the needs of others when we’re thinking, speaking, and giving attention to each other as a group.

The icing on the cake?

When we nail this, diverse perspectives start popping up. Different thinking styles get room to breathe and grow.

And before you know it, you’ve got richer discussions and more inclusive decision-making.

And the feeling you haven’t wasted your time again.

So, what do you reckon? What’s your freshest thinking?

PS: The only thing is, please, turn off the “Teams” notification sound. 🥴

Iam Servane, a Thinking Partner for Impact Teams & Social Investors who want to navigate transitions, use their collective imagination to explore and anticipate the future! Get in touch!

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