What Mozart Taught Me About Building Roadmaps

Since the end of February, I have been running a course called Switch on Your Focus, the participants are women changemakers, social impact leaders, and angels investors, who already pursue a strong purpose, but who feel the need to narrow down their multiple options, gain momentum, and get meaningful work done. Now. This week, we have worked towards designing a simple roadmap just to help them get back on track and focus.

Of course, among the goals, strategies actions, and timeline you need to look at when you design this roadmap, there are always some bits you don’t necessarily like but that need doing.

One participant asked:

How can I keep relating to the regular admin, operational activities, which don’t necessarily feel as if they take you closer to your purpose, but that you still need completing to meet someone else’s purpose?

I bet you’ve all felt that.

And yesterday, this happened. I was listening to a podcast on the French radio, about Mozart as a child. When he was asked about the steps he used to compose his music, he said

I am looking for the notes that love each other.

And the penny dropped. This is what you do when you design a focused roadmap.

You assemble pieces – actions that help you implement a few strategies. And these strategies put together will help you reach your goal.

Look at your roadmap again and find where the energy goes. If some bits are lagging, or feel painful, look at them again as they connect to the others, as if there were pieces that love each other. 

What you can do now?

At the moment, I am working on Conscious Innovation, a strategy and capacity-building platform that helps leaders align their imagination and resources to create focused services that transform people’s lives.

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