Many of us dream of making a positive impact in the world…
But we are as strong as our ability to collaborate and communicate with one another, amplify imagination and turn ideas into effective action.
Sometimes the message isn’t getting through, actions aren’t leading to the outcomes we seek…
Community or organisational cultures are changing into untamed monsters under our eyes…
Some days, despite having the best intentions, you feel you are swimming against the tide.
Does it ring a bell?
So… how do you navigate all the paradoxes in your social venture?
Some examples…
- “I want to be able to navigate paradoxes in my business”
Eg: The leader wanted to embed inclusive ways of working and embed human rights principles in their investment thesis whilst their governance team only looked at profit margins… They looked at ways to involve the team and board to change approaches.
- “I want to move away from crushing contradicting assumptions”
Eg: A thinker was the outgoing interim CEO and thought, at 55, that they only had one big job left in them. The unsettling feeling was rising… What should be their next steps? We organised a “thinking council” with peers who had a variety of experiences to share and the interim CEO refined her thinking and planned her way forward!
- “I want to solve logistical and design headaches”
Eg: A thinker wanted to invest in solutions to solve thorny social and environmental issues, but the amazing entrepreneurs and creators they had come across so far lacked essential business/technical skills, so the investment couldn’t take place… what’s next? We invited entrepreneurs, investors and other important stakeholders to a possible business support programme.
- “The organisational results are abysmal. Nobody’s talking. We need to do something now.”
Eg: A thinker felt their team weren’t pulling their weight and results were not meeting expectations. But they realised they didn’t trust their staff. Through a 1:1 series and a group approach, the organisation managed to speak openly, understand obstacles and assumptions, formulate new expectations, and rebuild group contracting.
If you knew there was more space for harmony, imagination and focus…
If you knew that trust could grow in your team…
How would your venture transform?
And… what would change for you?
Then comes the Thinking Environment®
To overcome challenges, you need a discovery-driven approach
This discovery is called a Thinking Environment®, an evidence-based process that combines deep listening techniques, foresight, rigour and imagination.
This non-directive and powerful process ignites a most rewarding independent thinking.
It helps you remove unhelpful assumptions, then gain clarity, focus and unlock change.
The opportunity
I work with Impact+ entrepreneurs, angel investors, philanthropists, leaders of global innovation networks, people who “help the helpers” and who want to ignite their thinking, on a 1-2-1 basis or in teams.
You can book one or several thinking sessions with your organisation’s team members.
Your benefits
- More comfortable with change: You’ll learn how to adapt the ways you operate and process assumptions.
- Systems-focused: You’ll amplify your potential to create influential, practical solutions and resources to meet your community’s needs, where they are… and yours.
- Optimised resources: Through the power of the group and their new openness, you’ll discover new avenues to reduce risks and increase returns.
- Improved trust: A more open and respectful way of communicating fosters trust within and between team members.
How does it work?
- The Thinking Environment brings a new way of thinking, being and acting, which intentionally creates spaces of freedom of thought among people.
- This comes as a result of applying the Thinking Environment’s Ten Components. These components are known to release independent thinking.
- The team jointly creates a listening space, where people are seen as equal and feel comfortable thinking on their own
- The team agree on one essential principle: to never interrupt, nor “complete” someone else’s thoughts
- The more people know and practice the Thinking Environment, the more they can co-shape a dedicated space for quality thinking; in addition, the easier it becomes to create and maintain one when needed
- This provides unique freedom and increased psychological safety within your organisation
Servane really open my eyes for things that I wasn’t expecting and that turned out to be one of our most important goals. How to understand the complexity of our stakeholders and help them to understand our business.
Servane is someone who will help you to dig things up and help you to understand what you really want
Book a brief Vision Scoping Call with no Obligation with me, where you will discuss what you might be looking for and decide what type of approach and/or support might work best for you. Servane will also explain how a Thinking Environment works in your context.